For someone like myself Halloween is a strange holiday. I grew out of going door to door asking for candy and hot chocolate. I'm not one to go to dance parties. But I do love to dress up in costumes and scare anyone in my way. Full disclosure as I am writing this I have on loop This is Halloween by the genius of Tim Burton. I had a lot of ideas and help from the comment threads on what is Halloween.
Halloween is all about the unknown. Walking around in the dark wondering if that noise we hear is just the wind or some blood dripping creature around the corner. The gamble we take on each door we approach The one light on wondering if we will get a delicious chocolate coated treat or a box of raisins.
To all of the weirdos out there who want to take the one night where we can be whatever we want. I have one thing to say. Hail to the Pumpkin Song